Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Great Black and White Photographers Pt. 3

1. When I first saw White's photos, I thought he portrayed things we could see on a normal basis and photographed it on a very artistic level.

Photo #1
I see dirt and bugs and an old tree twisted in a natural knot. I can see the small new forms of life and buds of shrubs sprouting near the old tree. I see crevices in it as if water itself sculpted it.
I smell the old bark peeling off the tree and wet soil that provides nutrients for the old tree. I can smell natural mold and mildew that had built up over the years on the tree.
I hear the few leaves left rustle in the gentle breeze. I hear the squirrels burrowing into as their claws scratch the many holes of the aged tree. 
I taste dust rain that has built up through the carved wood. I taste rain and wet soil from the previous refreshing rain that sprinkled the tree and its home.
I feel the soft bark as it peels away under my touch. I feel the crisp grass beneath my feet as it crunches beneath my feet. 

I see rays of sunlight dancing through the faded white curtains. I see the sheer cloths hanging from the window sway in the gentle wind.
I smell the dust that has built a small layer over everything in the house and claimed it as it's own. I smell the rotting wood that makes the structure of the old house.
I hear the planks of soft wood under my feet squeak and creak as I step over them. I hear birds chirping and singing through the open window.
I taste the dirt, dust and mildew dancing though the thick air.
I feel the warm rays of sun bounce off my skin and wood planks bordering the window made of thin, yellowed and cracked glass.

A way I would like to portray this photographer is a poster. This can be very artistic and eye-catching, just like White's photography.

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