Sunday, April 26, 2015


P O R T F O L I O   A N A L Y S I S

1. Photographer
Travis Haughton
Relationships Between People
Three Problems
a) wants to see more of the frame because they were too tight (not enough story)
b) all of the subject's emotions should be shown and not just a few of them
c) amount of pictures of children was too much much and redundant
Two Positive Statements
a) nice moments captured that don't look staged
b) the sports photos were unique and different
I like the details that the photographer focused on which made it stand out. And even though the photos of children were good, there should've been less photos of them so that the portfolio could have had more variety. In conclusion, I liked this portfolio but had room for improvement.

2. Photographer
Josh Birnbaum
Team Effort and Wheelchair Sports
Three Problems
a) nothing very emotional immediately made the viewer extremely interested
b) didn't capture the right moment at right time even if it was in the right spot
c) the focus or subject of the photo was not on the strongest points in the image 
Two Positive Statements
a) fun photos that had the attention toward the middle
b) good lighting in most of the photos
Although his photos had interesting concepts, they were not focused on the right thing or captured the most interesting things. Therefore, I did not like this portfolio.

3. Photographer
Daryl Peveto
Peru and Seniors
Three Problems
a) very bad captions that did not match the photos what so ever
b) not interesting because nothing exciting is happening within the photos
c) unclear of what is happening as the subject in some of the photos
Two Positive Statements
a) good lighting in the right places and good balance
b) good senior photos if it were for some sort of commercial shoot
Most of the photos had lots of potential to become amazing photos but the photographer did not capture the right moments which caused the photos to lose their effect. This results in less interesting photos. So in conclusion, I didn't really like this portfolio.

W I N N E R   P O  R T F O L I O   A N A L Y S I S

a) really creative usage of things in the frame of the photo
b) good positioning of camera which resulted in better understanding of subject
c) very strong and bold composition

Strengths (My Thoughts)
a) very good at capturing emotions
c) in the middle of the action
d) everyone's doing something

Weaknesses (My Thoughts)
a) some photos were too busy
b) too much/ not enough in the frame
c) not a variety of actions in portfolio

P R O C E S S   O F   D E C I S I O N

First the judges automatically eliminated the weaker portfolios and once those were narrowed down, they chose the one that has a good and repeated theme. If tied, the judges would choose the winning portfolio that has more strong photos.

A G R E E I N G   A N D   D I S A G R E E I N G   W I T H   T H E   J U D G E S

I agreed with the judges about the bobsled that it was good because it was unique and I had not seen a photo liked that. It had good usage of leading lines that gave the illusion of the direction that the subject was going. However, I also agreed with the fact that it was somewhat distracting with all of the blur that was in the photo.

I disagree with the judges on the photo of the surfer falling from the big wave. They said it should've been taken slightly later as he's hitting the water but I liked the mid-air falling because it gave the idea of how big the wave was because it looked like he was floating. I also liked how there wasn't much happening around it so it made the photo simplistic and dramatic.

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